GFS manufactures one of the largest selections of Karl Fischer reagents on the market and has the internal technical expertise to meet your needs. GFS Chemicals has the expertise to be your new chemical reagent supplier.
GFS manufactures a comprehensive portfolio of alkyne building blocks for research and commercial applications in life sciences, flavors and fragrances, agriculture and electronics.
GFS Chemicals is one of the world's largest manufacturers of perchloric acid. Our expertise in the manufacture of perchloric acid, coupled with our diverse drying technologies & dry room packaging capabilities, make us the perfect source of anhydrous perchlorate salts.
GFS Chemicals has been serving chemists since 1928. Founder George Frederick Smith, a practicing analytical chemist, believed in truthful and accurate reporting of specifications and believed in strengthening relationships with customers/partners.
GFS Chemicals is an ISO 9001:2015 certified U.S. manufacturer of fine and specialty organic chemicals and a recognized leader in the production of alkyne building blocks.
Decades of both chemical and engineering experience are what allow GFS to address opportunities in highly specialized custom inorganic chemical manufacturing.
Browse GFS Chemicals® collection of technical resources and literature so that you and your team are well equipped.
GFS Chemicals manufactures over 8,000 fine and specialty chemicals.
GFS manufactures one of the largest selections of Karl Fischer reagents on the market and has the internal technical expertise to meet your needs.
GFS manufactures a high quality lithium iodide which is used as an electrolyte for high-temperature batteries. Additionally, in organic synthesis, lithium iodide is useful for cleaving C-O bonds.